Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the nerve

so i went to ALL the trouble of dragging myself to the airport and spending hours in transit only to be abandoned by my family. apparently there's something called work in which some people prefer to indulge. so i'm eating copious amounts of sweets and watching good things utah (and trying not to put a pen through my eye). 

and there's diet coke with lime EVERYWHERE. 

i know. my life is so hard.

it's good to be home.


Lola said...

oh, maaaaan. i've been spending the days alone, too! sucky.

jenni said...

stinky!!!! I hope you can capitalize on the time they're home!!!

Jana Brookes said...

uhhhgg! come see me!

abbyjane said...

whatev! mom's house is the best by yourself! did you forget they have like a million channels? how were you bored? and a fireplace! c'mon ann!

annie said...

abs, there was nothing ON their million channels!

JD said...

hope you were successful at keeping that pen out of your eye.

Aaron said...

I'm in Murray if you're still bored next week...

annie said...

lola - i hope you have company now :)
jana - call me!
jd - yes, but just barely
smyth - we're going boarding/skiing on monday if you want to join

Shawn said...

Isn't working during the holidays like breaking a commandment or something?