Friday, March 13, 2009

does anyone else think this is funny?

from one of the briefs i read during my week o cite-checking fun.

"Dr. X* suggests that the Institution* set the [standards] far too stringently because greater pollution concentrations are purportedly seen in disparate locations such as food courts, copier machine rooms, and the People's Republic of China."

*names have been changed to protect the innocent (and guilty)


Ashley C said...

That. Was. Awesome! Love it.

Jamie said...

affirmative. funny. [me laughing]

Nicea said...


annie said...


ps mom, you never answered my questions from my last post...

jeebers, love the pic. you pretty.

Nicea said...

k. i'll go back and do that.

Meg said...

Excellent. Is that from a paper you were grading or something. What does Dr. X say about copy rooms and food courts that are actually in the PRC?

annie said...

megara, it's from a brief that was filed in one of the cases i'm working on. dr x was saying that the emissions from the company he represents have much less impact than copy rooms, food courts and the people's republic of china.