Thursday, March 22, 2012

it's tonight!

alright, technically it's tomorrow morning. but who thinks of midnight as morning?

i'm trying to temper my excitement. because i love the books so much, i want to love the movies, too. but i read this review, which is not particularly glowing so i'm trying to lower my expectations: "For some fans of the trilogy, the screen version will inevitably be disappointing, especially for those keeping inventory of the details, characters, grim thoughts and cynicism that have gone missing."
i am probably one of these fans.

i swear my life has not be as consumed with hunger games as this blog might suggest. although i DID re-read them all this week, i've also been busy busy organizing my home studio (and my home, too). it's almost in workable condition now! perhaps one of these days i will show you.


Ashley C said...

GAAHH! I have to wait until Tuesday!

Jamie said...

I planned a girls' night with a bunch of women from my ward... we're all going Saturday night. I've been waiting for this day for over a month!!!

Nicea said...

So? How did you like it? Dad went with Amanda and her possee last night: Dad, Amanda, Nina and Lauren. I haven't had a chance to see if they liked it or not.

annie said...

i have some quibbles, but generally, i loved it and thought it was a great, well-cast adaptation. excited for catching fire!

what did the rest of you think?

ps, i think it helped that i went it with low expectations. some people who were fans were disappointed because they built it up in their heads. beware...

Jamie said...

I was surprised at how some of the things looked almost exactly how I pictured them in my mind when reading the books, particularly the capitol, the tributes' apartments and the practice room where Katniss shot the apple. I loved Elizabeth Banks as Effie. I was pleased with the movie except for the headache I got from the shaky camera movement (why do directors think they need to do that?)

annie said...

@jaime - i read an interview with the director and he said he did that kind of camera work so it would be more like we were seeing things from katniss' point of view. since we can't be in her head like we are in te book, this was how he tried to capture that. i'm with ya, though, i liked the effect sometimes, but wished there were less of it.

sherry carpet said...

you sound like me when True Grit came out! then again, if you don't go see it at least four times in the theatre, you fall short of true fan-dom. get on it. (if HG bears the repetition. if it doesn't, feel free to join me for a screening of TG.)

annie said...

oh sherry, why do we live on opposite coasts? ok so i guess i'm not a TRUE fan. i can't stand to spend that much on ANY movie 4x in the theater. i did go two nights in a row, though. and now i will be screening true grit. do you prefer the '69 or the 2010 version?