Tuesday, November 4, 2008

i heart abs

one of my favorite memories of home is of us girls sitting around the sunlit kitchen table, each with a 32 oz of that sweet sweet nectar of the gods from our most recent maverick run and a book of sudoku puzzles, just jawin and jokin away.  abby's like that. she's at ease with and can talk to anyone and make them feel comfortable, too. she has a fantastic sense of humor, SO much personality and a witty way with words. and she can rock a russian accent. she's a natural leader. and she has a depth and spirituality that never cease to amaze me. (sometimes i think i cut in front of her in the sister line. i'm pushy like that. i woulda done it. but this is about abba...)

so, in honor of her birthday, nearly a week ago, here are some bits of randomness that i love about her (though definitely not even close to all or nearly enough bits)...

she so pretty

she's got style she's got grace. something something something something, she's a la-dy

she likes things that are red:
like t-shirts and lobster and tops of spice bottles and checkered tablecloths...

...and elmo

she eats (and still looks like a rock star). and lets me take silly pictures. and post them on my blog. and she doesn't get mad (right, ab?)

she prob'ly has the cutest kids in the universe.
and she's a kind, patient, loving mother to them.

so, rock hard abs,
i hope you had a happy halloween 
and an even better birthday.
your sister


Nicea said...

Sweet. I heart you both...and Suzi, too.

Marc said...

Abby looks so much like your mom in some of these pictures that it is almost eerie.