Tuesday, November 4, 2008


i've never been one for politics or political discussions. i have my opinions, usually based on something i've read or heard, but more often a gut feeling, which is kind of hard to defend in a political discussion, particularly if you can't remember the sources of what you've read and heard. anyway, i've enjoyed following the various discussions amongst our families' blogs and thank you all for sharing your opinions, enlarging my scope of understanding and educating me on both sides of the issues. you rock.

until recently, i was one of a handful of moderate liberals living in a blood-red-if-you-even-think-about-democrats-you're-probably-going-to-hell state. a state in which, casting a vote for a blue candidate did as much good as writing in jack bauer. (i still think he'd make a good president.) BUT. now i live near the d of c, in a battleground state, no less. i couldn't help but get swept up in the passion of our nation's capitol. and i'm excited, nay, thrilled to the core to cast my vote and have it actually mean something. (please, spare me the old you have to make your voice heard, your vote always counts, blah blah blah.) i'm even excited to stand in the rain for 3 hours to partake in said civic right. i have read, watched, listened, researched and discussed. i know the candidates. i know who i will vote for. i feel good about it. and now, in less than 5 hours, i will whip it. whip it good.


Nicea said...

Way to get 'er done, Annie. I'm amazed every time I vote that the names look so small and insignificant on the ballot. After all the campaign rhetoric and hype, it seems like there ought to be a huge banner and slogan attached to each candidate's name along with a big brass band and a red carpet. Instead, for this bigger-than-life event you activate your ballot and these little typed names appear:
John McCain and Sarah Palin
Barack Obama and Joe Biden

Almost didn't see 'em, right? Me either!

annie said...

seriously! and it took me no time at all to vote. i went at about 3pm, and stood in line behind about 5 people . then went to the booth and about 5 minutes later, i was finished. the whole "ordeal" lasted about 20 minutes. kind of anticlimactic. (did i put an extra c in there?) it'll be interesting to see what the media focuses on after this. i'm kind of scared...

richard dandelion said...

I'm on my way now. The line's a block long. Back in a couple of hours.

Yay for swing state voters! Go BLUE, PA!

Nicea said...

I'm envious, RD. Not that I like to wait in line, but I sorta expected more than two dozen lonely voting booths standing in a cavernous gym after such a tumultuous campaign season. I thought the place would be packed, the call of "howdy neighbor" in the air, and the press outside doing exit polls. Yes, and free donuts. Oh, wait. I'm in Utah. Like you said, Annie, it was a bit of an anticlimax.

richard dandelion said...

Just got back. Two hours almost exactly. Shared my massive umbrella with a couple fellow linewaiters.

Several businesses in town had provided pizza, candy, pretzels, water bottles, and there were even students there to entertain those of us waiting in line.

They ushered us all into the little church being used as my polling place at 8 pm then locked the doors (PA polls close at 8). I was nearly at the door when they took us all inside; there were still probably 250-300 people waiting to vote. And it's been like that since 7 am.

The volunteer who handed me my ballot told me that voter registration AND turnout had doubled since 2004.


annie said...

see? now that's the kind of hullaballoo i was hoping for! not the waiting in line part, but i'd take that for the pizza, soda, treats and student entertainment. instead, my experience was more like mom's. sigh. but hey. i VOTED!!!

Nicea said...

PA rocks! 90210? Geez, Annie!

Nicea said...

Oh, wait. That last comment was supposed to go on Miss Kitti's blog, I think.

annie said...

no. it can go on mine. i'm watching 90210. or was. now i'm watching privileged. and flipping to the election during the commercials.

and yes. pa rocks.

richard dandelion said...

The verification word is ...



richard dandelion said...


annie said...


Jeff said...

I moved CLEAR across the country from your said "state" and have landed smack dab in the middle of the land where they think Palin is a good running mate for Obama. Also known as, let's not listen to the issues at all, let's just vote blue because that candidate is black. My how frustrating. I want to live in a purple state.

annie said...

ah NOW i understand the frusteration. just like my frusteration with people voting for romney because he's mormon, but not bothering to look into where he stands on anything. i hear ya. i'll move to a purple state with you. :)

annie said...

ps. i just discovered that frustration has no "e" in it. so much for intelligence. :P