Monday, April 6, 2009

did you know...

that i'm all set to win my office bracket competition? i just need unc to win tonight. so i think you should all watch it and cheer for them and send them happy winning thoughts. ok? ok. thank you.


melbo said...

This post has the most appropriate label I've ever seen. GO UNC!

Nicea said...

Yeah, you rock, Annie!

If you win, will it make up for the disapointment you felt when you didn't win the Get-in-Shape Girl jumprope and exercise tape in second grade in the Gerbil Derby but they gave you a new bike instead and you were sad because you wanted the jumprope way more?

Naw, probably not.

Go, UNC! Go, Annie!

I never win any of those office pool thingys.

annie said...

mom, the get-in-shape girl you got me for christmas made up for that. also, there were weights.

Shawn said...

Greg's gonna watch and now maybe I'll watch with him since I really want to help you win if I can. I'm all about service, you know. (at least I'm supposed to be even though I don't like it that much)

abbyjane said...

Nice! Except sorry, I have a date with Jack tonight.

annie said...

thank you all for your thoughts and prayers (except abby) i won i won! booyah! can i get a woot woot! hollaaa! and now the happy dance...

Nicea said...

Way to go, Annie! Our school's March Madness winnings aren't nearly as lucrative as your law firm's. That just goes ta show ya, teachers don't get paid enuff.