Wednesday, May 12, 2010

what i learned at school this year

this post alternately titled "i give up"

1. avoid use of bathrooms if at all possible. if not possible, use in the morning. the bathrooms are always less disgusting in the morning.

2. ABSOLUTELY NO LATE WORK actually means come up with such a sad story that your professor will be the biggest jerk on the planet for not showing a little leniency.

3. it doesn't matter how many times you say it, write it, staple it to their foreheads, they will still do it wrong. or forget and not do it at all. then, see no. 2.

4. art students are just as judgmental and closed-minded as everyone else.

5. never let them know you carry extra pens.

6. the request to write complete sentences will solicit a response akin to that of commanding someone to bathe in acid.

7. the responses to any questions i pose the class will likely be, "the details" or "the colors" (in incomplete sentences).
allow me to illustrate:
Q: How do the differences in these two artworks reflect the cultures from which they came?
A: the details?
A: the colors?

8. nobody cares about grades until the last 2 weeks of the semester.

9. attendance in class is (apparently) optional. if one absolutely must attend class, be sure to bring cell phone to occupy oneself.

10. it is always the professor's fault.


abbyjane said...

oi vey.

Ashley C said...

bahaaha! I love it. Sounds so much like the things my mom (and other teacher friends) tell me. I can't decide which number is my favorite, probably the details/colors one. Bless you teachers/professors.

Jana Brookes said...

how sad. i hate that kids are becoming more and more lazy. i just hope my kids won't behave that way!! good luck finishing up!

richard dandelion said...

Welcome to the greatest gig on earth!


Shawn said...

Didn't you hear that Accountability 101 has been dropped off the planet?


Erin Ann Thomas said...

Yep. That about sums it up. They can be such winners / winers.

Anonymous said...

I would like you to know 2 things - first, the teaching things totally resonated with this former tortured grad student TA, and second, I look forward to seeing more of your stuff.